It’s been a bug-bear for a long time for me that the CPU metrics when querying a Solaris 10 host are global and not zone specific (which of course makes sense, just makes it harder to track zone utilisation).
So finally wrote a basic perl script that will provide that information via a SNMP mib, output looks like the following:
> snmpwalk -v 1 -c public localhost . UCD-SNMP-MIB::ucdavis.255.7.0 = STRING: "Zone name" UCD-SNMP-MIB::ucdavis.
NON-FREE APT REPOSITORIES Install openssh package if not already installed
# apt-get install openssh-server Add the following to /etc/apt/sources.list:
deb unstable main non-free deb etch main contrib non-free # apt-get update Install Async IO library for Oracle
# apt-get install libaio Install optional extras for converting the JVM to a .deb
# apt-get install build-essential fakeroot java-package # download sun binary JDK Create the ”deb” package:
Tracing firewalled hosts
Nice little tool called tcptraceroute, just uses TCP syns instead of ICMP/UDP to give you a more meaningful traceroute; still relies on ICMP time exceeded messages, but still, every little helps when trying to debug someone elses problem!
well, finally tried out CQB (close quarter battle), definitely seems to be lot of full-auto with hicap mags, so you’re looking at pretty much being suppressed/suppressing all the time - so normally you move and get shot down in a hail of plastic!
Had a restricted ammo loadout game which was seriously good fun, Mr MP5K with a midcap worked really well in semi-auto mode. Got a few kills before running out of ammo (bloody glock got a jam - go figure)
So installed Leopard server over the weekend and here’s some notes and annoyances I’ve hit (and overcame)
services fail to start – basically forward/reverse DNS must match greebo:~ localad$ sudo changeip -checkhostname Primary address = Current HostName = DNS HostName = names match. There is nothing to change.
So I cheated and am running split horizon DNS, I’ve not done the following – but is here as a reminder (and if I ever have enough disk space)