FAST purchase

Oh interesting stuff there - I’ve always liked the idea of FAST (not cheap as a search platform) but they’ve certainly thought a bit about how to scale - will be interesting to see if this mean’s a change to the supported platforms and roadmap moving forward Wants to mine web with Fast buy Microsoft is to acquire Norwegian business search engine company Fast Search and Transfer for 6.

piracy in the real world

well was quite strange this evening as I’ve just finished Frederick Forsythe’s “The Afghan”, which giving the game away slighly deals with some terrorists stealing a large ship or two. So I was having quite a sense of déjà-vu watching a documentary on one of the discovery channels about the same subject. Or of course it might just be that the film-makers read the same books! Though they did raise a few good points about the close of the cold war allowing for a large surge in the numbers of piracy encounters in recent years, as the drop in the numbers of regular navy vessels in the oceans fell, though I’m also wondering if the increase in the freedom of information as well as increased availability of arms - such as the RPG7 - also has something to do with it.

time machine with smbfs

Well there is some undocumented methods to make time machine work on non-locally attached storage, and although it might be disabled in patches - this works pretty well: As a regular user and in a terminal $ defaults write TMShowUnsupportedNetworkVolumes 1 Then when you visit the time machine preferences you can choose a network share as a TM location. Now it’s very tempting to get a little mac mini for some zfs/nfs goodness

Google travel tips

Heh, well ok, I didn’t know but when abroad and you need to use google, it can be slightly tricky to use if you don’t know the local language. So if you use :- Norwegian Google Homepage It’ll change your default language to english - this also works with changing back to anything like Russian Google Homepage To swap yourself to Russian - very helpful - previously i was also hand adding ?

troubleshooting escenic

Error: Internal error: There was a database error: \ access denied \ (neo.xredsys.auth.UserPermission 1 create) Solution: You’ve not followed the installation instructions and not changed the settings: