
apple remote desktop and vnc

Ahh, so Apple’s Remote Desktop is just a simpler implementation of the VNC protocol (I’m sure there’s some propriety extensions in there but it’s nice to know you can use vncclient to connect to a Mac. Options that work well for VNC:- [Connection] Host=$HOSTNAME [Options] UseLocalCursor=1 UseDesktopResize=1 FullScreen=0 FullColour=1 LowColourLevel=1 PreferredEncoding=hextile AutoSelect=0 Shared=0 SendPtrEvents=1 SendKeyEvents=1 SendCutText=1 AcceptCutText=1 DisableWinKeys=1 Emulate3=0 PointerEventInterval=0 Monitor= MenuKey=F8 AutoReconnect=1 Not the fastest thing in the planet, but only enabling the Hextile option seems to work ok.